This Is the Best Strategy for Using Hot Rollers With Long Hair
1. Wash and Dry Hair "Hot rollers work best on clean, dry hair, so wash and thoroughly dry your hair before starting," says Porsche. 2. Plug in the Rollers Hot rollers come in a case that heats the rollers. Plug this in and let them heat to your desired temperature. 3. Prep Hair While the rollers heat up, spritz on a heat protectant , and fully brush out and detangle your hair, and "then proceed to section your hair in three sections — two sides and a mohawk straight down the middle," says Edwards. Finish off with a little hairspray. "Use a very light hairspray on each section before rolling," says Shorter. "Hair should always be clean with a little to no additional product." 10 Hairsprays to Style, Set, and Smooth Strands 4. Add the rollers "Take a small section of hair, wrap it around a hot roller, and secure it in place with a clip or pin," says Porsche. "Repeat this process for all sections of your hair." 5. Let the Rol...